Rob Croxford

Rob has been working full-time on his art since 2004. In that time he has rebuilt from a devastating studio fire, painted over 1850 works of art and shown in almost 200 juried exhibitions including; The Toronto International Art Fair, The Artist Project and The One of a Kind Show. Rob is represented in both Canadian and US galleries, is in the permanent City of Toronto Art Collection, as well as numerous private collections all over the world. His art has been in a bunch of Toronto magazines, on the cover of a few magazines and he is even featured in a coffee table book! Rob has been profiled in the press, on blogs and by The Jealous Curator. Rob Croxford paintings are a carnival of colour and whimsy! His vintage-inspired work is instantly identifiable, and his clever approach to art merges pop culture, nostalgia typography and humour.

Karen Taylor

In 2004, Karen escaped from the cold, rainy weather of Scotland to settle here in Toronto. Three years later she began exhibiting her abstract paintings. Her current work celebrates the art of typography: “In our social media lives we continuously take in streams of fonts and characters. How often do we pause to take in the shape and form of these marks which convey so much information. These acrylic paintings explore the abstract patterns our words create”.

She is a member of the Ontario Society of Artists, the Society of Canadian Artists, and the Colour and Form Society.

Zoey Zoric

In my artistic practice, I explore the interplay between technology, human connection, and the transient nature of our modern society.
My current series focuses on oil paint portraits created on discarded and damaged iPhone and iPad screens, with an emphasis on capturing the intricacies and depth of people’s eyes. With a focus on the eyes, I invite viewers to engage in a deep and intimate connection with the subjects.
The discarded and damaged iPhone screens symbolize the transitory nature of technology, while the timeless medium of oil paint represents the enduring essence of human expression.

Kamar Thomas

Kamar Thomas is a fine artist from Port Antonio, Jamaica. He studied at two universities in the United States. There, he became interested in how people present themselves, what masks they wear, and what differences there are between what people present and how they are. He makes big, colorful oil paintings of people, He teaches at Centennial College and he wrote a book about making art less boring.